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We were „made into a movie”


How The Heartbreak Agency Netflix movie got started

Ufa had long since secured the film rights to our Spiegel bestseller „Goodbye Herzschmerz“ – in summer 2022, NETFLIX made the incredible commitment: we’re making a romantic comedy!

Screenwriters Malte Welding and Antonia Rothe-Liermann, with advice from our founder Elena, wrote the story of journalist Karl, who wants to expose Maria, the founder of an agency for heartbreak, as a fake – and in the process embarks on a search for his own lost capacity for love…

The Original

Die Liebeskümmerer Netflix movie: Fiction on a realistic basis

As pleased as we are that our work and, above all, our topic – your topic! – has become the basis for a movie, it is also important for us to say that the love story told in „Die Liebeskümmerer“ on Netflix is, of course, fictional. None of us would ever start a romance with a client – that would not only be counterproductive for the counseling process, but of course also completely contradicts our professional ethics. But much more is allowed in movies than in real life!

Individual scenes, such as Maria’s interview about the founding of the agency at the beginning of the film, use almost exactly the same words that Elena would use to talk about us love counselors.

Behind the Scenes

A visit to the film set: a journey into the Liebeskümmerer past

During a visit to the film set at the Hotel zur Bleiche in the Spreewald (in the film it looks like it’s on the Baltic Sea), Elena not only met the entire film team, but also felt transported back to the beginnings of Die Liebeskümmerer: Because in fact Die Liebeskümmerer were originally founded by her once as a travel company for lovesickness trips before we became what we are and do today. While we have not offered any group trips in recent years, we may well organize something of this kind for you again in 2024 (if you would like to be informed, sign up for our newsletter here).

How did you like "The Heartbreak Agency" on Netflix?

We are looking forward to hearing how you liked the The Heartbreak Agency movie. Whether you are our client or not, please feel free to write us your feedback!

The Heartbreak Agency on Netflix

Director: Shirel Peleg
Screenplay: Antonia Rothe-Liermann, Malte Welding
Camera: Stephan Burchardt
Producer: Nataly Kudiabor (UFA Fiction)
Executive producer: Leonie Franziska Geisinger, Leslie-Alina Schäfer
Production: UFA Fiction GmbH
Cast: Rosalie Thomass (Maria), Laurence Rupp (Karl), Cora Trube (Hedi), Jerry Hoffmann, Jakob Schreier, Denise M’Baye, Özgür Karadeniz, Charleen Deetz, Margarethe Tiesel Paula Schramm, Arash Marandi, Maria Hofstätter, Timur Isik, Amélie Miloy and many more.

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